Learn About How We Are Keeping Customers and Staff Safe In Response to COVID-19.
April 01, 2020
LivCo and its affiliates are actively monitoring the public health situation related to COVID-19 to ensure that we are well informed and ready to serve you during this difficult time. As always, the health, safety, and well-being of our customers, employees and community members are our top priority.
Preventative Measures We Have and Will Continue to Take
As this situation continues to evolve, we want to outline the measures we have taken to ensure optimal health and safety within our company.
- We are following all CDC and IDPH guidelines for COVID-19 in all customer and employee spaces
- We are offering video conferencing options as an alternative to in-person meetings for our clients
- Our design staff is all working remotely
- Employees have been advised to stay home if they are sick until they are symptom-free
- We are regularly cleaning and disinfecting door handles, bathrooms, and remain diligent about our community spaces
- Job sites will remain open, and we are implementing additional dust protection measures and incorporating negative air pressure in the homes of any clients who are higher risk
We remain committed to serve you and our community. Stay safe and be well!